Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Class

In American society, it appears that people are grouped by their race, their religion, their gender, and their sexual identity. Countless times a year do we all fill out the first three on standardized test forms! After all these are the most discussed descriptors, and have the most influential reform and equality movements. However, there is one descriptor that isn't discussed as often on a scholarly and informed level, and one for which there is no lobbying movement. That is Class.

People are grouped by their class more than by anything else. Upper class people stick together, as do lower class people. You'd never see someone from The Hamptons hanging with someone from Harlem! However, what this does is creates a sense of inclusion and exclusion. As a member of a certain social class, each person is expected to act a certain way and perform a certain role. This limits the aspirations of young people, as they are told what they "have" to do, instead of being able to live their own lives. Conversely, the exclusion from other social classes causes people to be unfamiliar with those different to them. The result is a rising level of resentment that the rich have for the poor and visa versa.

The saddest part is, theres no forseeable way to fix this. In my other blogs I've tried to end with a suggestion; and idea for reform if you will. However, here I see no solution. Social Class is inherent in life. People are born into it and live their entire lives surrounded by it. Barring some complete social overhaul that would be highly unlikely to occur, this will never change. Its a sad prospect to leave you with, but its the truth.


  1. I agree, it is really sad how were bound by social class. We've tried to break through racism, religious prejudice, and sexism, but still have prejudices about our wealth.

  2. I agree with you man.. but this is serious problem growing through out and it is hard to stop this. We should make different classes and things for different people.. We should make equal rights.. you did good job of explaining.

  3. I also think that we often just choose what part of a culture we fit into, without necessarily accepting the grey areas, and hopefully one day our culture can become less stratified!
    Great post!
