Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Masculinity Epidemic

Modern American society has come leaps and bounds in terms of equality. Not only do women, African-Americans, Latinos, Irish, Italians, you-name-it, now have equal rights, but it is now considered socially unacceptable to be derogatory towards them. However, in this rush for equality and tolerance, America as a whole glossed over the one group that appeared to be fine, but in reality wasn't, The Man. It may seem a bit rediculous of an argument to make, I'll admit. Men may have equal rights, but when it comes to the social acceptability of derogatory statements, men receive more than their fair share of the abuse. And all of this stems to controversy over masculinity. For most men, nothing is more important than masculinity, their appearance that they are a "man". Thus, the emasculating begins, as people knock on each others masculinity to make themselves feel better.

Me, I don't care about masculinity. I'm fully aware that I am nowhere near the most masculine man, and I don't care. I don't see the need for us as a society to get so worked up on "what we should be". People are people, let them make their own decisions of who they are. I cross my legs when I sit, I have a rather high pitched voice, I don't play sports, and I'm in touch with my emotions. Many people would see these things as weaknesses, something to redicule me about. But I don't see how any of those things are bad. For me, I would much rather be myself and not be the ideal man, than change who I am to fit some label that society has assigned me. Who are you if not yourself?

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