Friday, January 21, 2011

Growing Up Online

Technology has been instrumental in the shaping of our society. In today's world of 24 hour news channels, MySpace, Facebook, Texting, Skype, and more, technology is defining what we know and how we communicate. If technology is used correctly, to help people learn, and to assist people in staying connected with each other, it can be extremely beneficial. But that is exactly the problem, technology is best used to ASSIST people in communication and learning, not to REPLACE the already established channels of communication. When that happens, we as human beings might give ourselves the semblance of connection with our fellow man, but in actuality we are causing ourselves to become more isolated from each other, as physical communication is becoming more scarce.

I'll be the first to admit, I use this same technology that I am warning about exceedingly often. I frequently find myself switching off between texting and facebook. This may seem a bit hypocritical, and to an extent it is. However, I have always used these technologies in order to get myself more connected to the outside world, never to isolate myself. When I first created my facebook in the summer of 2008, I was exceedingly socially awkward. From the beginning, I tried my hardest to use tis technology to bring me closer to people and the social scene. I used the technology to assist myself in talking to people, making it easier for me to build relationships with friends that then carried over to real life. I find myself with more friends at school and spending more time hanging out after school. I used this technology to get myself more connected to society, to help bring me out of my shell, not to isolate myself and eliminate face-to-face communication

Mr. Salituro, your role as a teacher should be to encourage the CORRECT use of technology. You should implore us to use technology to assist us in staying connected and learning more, while simultaneously imploring us of the dangers of heavy reliance on technology. This blog is a great way for students to effectively and efficiently use technology to increase our interconnectedness. We can use these blogs to share our thoughts and feelings in an intricate, in-depth way that we wouldn't have time to form and say in face-to-face conversation. Then, we can read each others thoughts and comment on them, engaging ourselves in thoughtful and complex dialogue to help further our understanding of opposing opinions and viewpoints. However, in order for this to happen, we must go into this with a positive mindset. We must view this blog not as an assignment that we must do, something to give us a grade and nothing more. Conversely, we must view this blog as an extension of the classroom, a continuation of our learning, a new-media forum of communication with the added bonus of giving us a grade. If we find ourselves able to do that, then we can make the most of this new technology that society offers us.


  1. I agree with Paul about the benefits and drawbacks of the internet. I think a lot of things online can assist us and help us but I do not believe that many aspects of the internet should replace more traditional ways. For example, Facebook is really fun but it CANNOT replace real social experiences. Interacting with people is important and if we lose that then we lose ourselves.

  2. I like your interpretation of my role as a teacher and the necessary mindset of students. I think that what you said can be an axiom for learning anything - not just technology.
